That's what LICHTBLICKE is all about:
Glimpses of light - I have chosen exactly this name for my practice, because it is precisely
these rays of hope that we sometimes need in order to regain confidence,
that life can also be beautiful and full of joy.
Often we know that there are things in our lives that we should or would like to change.
Maybe we just can't bring ourselves to take active steps, or maybe we don't know how to change.
Maybe we don't even know how to do it.
Often we simply lack the energy to do so.
Some experiences have brought our life energy to a standstill. The traces of some
often remain stored in our energy field and sometimes even cause physical complaints.
sometimes even cause physical complaints.
These blockages prevent us from even perceiving the beauties of life,
to feel joy and happiness and to enjoy life.
Can you remember times or experiences when you felt as if you could burst with joy?
joy, where all your senses perceived the world and life in all its most beautiful
facets, you had so much energy that you thought you could pull out trees?
you could pull out trees?
That is exactly where I would like to take you again.
In order to achieve this, I would be happy if I could accompany you a little bit in this direction.
until you feel that you can now go this way on your own.
In my practice LICHTBLICKE I support you in letting your life energy flow again.
Writing your very own map of life
Imagine you are going on a journey.
But this journey is no ordinary one, this journey has been booked by your soul, your very own soul journey.
It leads to yourself, to your inner self, because the path to a happy life in joy, contentment and joie de vivre leads through yourself.
joy of life leads through yourself.
You alone can take the steps, but I can be your guide, who accompanies you safely along the way, who helps you with all the experiences.
I can be your guide who accompanies you safely along the way, who is at your side during all the experiences and who is on the way to your goal together with you.
And this is where my offers come in:
Human energetic offers:
Additional offers: