What are Bach Flowers

Each plant, each blossom has its own special vibrancy.

The Bach Flower-Essences use exactly those special qualities.

Dr. Edward Bach, was an English physician, who lived so to speak, the father of floweressences, realized, that some blossoms (blossoms from higher order) reflect very special conditions of the soul, in their positiv characteristics.

Many long ways round, he found with floweressences a way, to make them usefull, as he memorized their special informations, to change negativ states of mind.

It appeared to Dr. Bach, that every person is born with its very special soul-concept, with its own potential, its very special "blueprint", that should be realized during live.

But so many events of live can scramble our "blueprint", so our potential is not able to unfold completely.

The Bach Flower-Remedies support us, to assume responsibility for our mission of live.

The blossom "Larch" for example, is of assistance to people who have a lack of self-confidence, who always feel in an inferior position to other people, who always hide their light under a bushel.


The taking of "Larch" supports people, to luminaire their light, to solve their wrong idea of themselves and gives them the power, to take the initiative, to realize their potential.

In the same way floweressences help you to perceive your behaviour,, your line of thoughts and your self-restrictions.


How is the process of a Bach-Flower-Session?

In an interview you tell me about wearing circumstances of your life.

Due to those descriptions and by special questions I find your required blossom.

Sometimes I use kinesiological testings which support me, to find your very special remedy between more alternatives. 

When I found your special mixture, you get it in a dropping bottle to take it home.

You also get a home-exercise, to integrate the effectiviness and characteristic of the special blossoms into your own energyfield. 

Besides we stay in contact by e-mail or phone.


When is flower counselling an option for you?

- Here your cooperation is also needed in the form of openness and the willingness to feel into yourself.

   to feel into yourself, but not as intensively as in a shamanic setting.

- The Bach flowers support you in various life situations and help you to recognise 

   recognise where things might be "stuck" for you.

- You would like support in a situation, but you don't want to dive too deep. 

   dive too deep.

- Bach flowers are a great support when you are in acute situations that need quick support.

  need support quickly.

- maybe you have already worked very hard on yourself and made good progress - 

   here the flowers can help you to really integrate the issues into your life.


At what intervals should a flower consultation take place?

If it is only an acute issue, one session is usually enough.

If you are dealing with issues that have been burdening you for a long time and need to be brought into balance, you can expect several sessions, which should take place once a month. The frequency varies greatly from person to person.

During the first session a flower mixture is prepared and homework is given. 

At the follow-up session the topic is looked at - How does one feel after one month of taking it? Is there any progress? Is there still a hitch somewhere? Has something new come up?


Afterwards, the new flower mixture is aligned - maybe one essence is no longer necessary, but another essence is added.


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