My name is Gaby Lebisch.
I am a trained certified nurse.
Already during my education thoughts about sense of life occupied my mind, due to my job, I was confronted with sickness, harm and death and in those times I wasn´t able to deal with those situations.
That is why I started searching for answers to my many questions and also for ressources and tools, to deal with those life-topics.
But my questions didn´t become less, no, they became more.
So I started to read many books, I visited many workshops, but finally I always landed by myself.
I recognized, I first had to get to know myself, I had to arise my angers and had to heal first the hurts of my past.
The most effective support I got through Bach Flower Remedies, Reiki and Shamanism. These are also the services with those I´m guiding you.
But all of these methods require the readiness, being open for different energies, that not always are perceptible to our senses or only very subtle.
Equally they invite us, to take a deep look into ourself, to get to know ourself and to realize our personal potential.
Trainings on my way:
- Training for Certified Nurse, Vienna
- Training Reiki, Reiki-Master, Eveline Printz, Vienna
- Training Certified Bach-Flower-Counsellor, Eva Achtsnit, Perchtoldsdorf, Austria
- Training Physioenergetik I bis V, Internationale Akademie f. Physioenergetik, Vienna
- Shamanic Training, The Four Winds, Netherlands and Great Britain
- Shamanic Training, Chris Waters, Spirit of the Inca, Great Britain
- Training Munay Ki, Dr. Ulrike Mark, Vienna
- Training as a certified Wild Herb Educator - Academy of Nature, Villa Natura, Dr. scient.med./Dipl.Ing. Patricia S. Purker
- Certificate Quality Management Professional Care Human Energetics - Professional Group of Personal Service Providers Vienna,