What is shamanism?
Across the globe, there have been and still are women and men who care for the well-being of their community, for individuals, be it in the form of herbal knowledge, performing ceremonies, contact with the invisible reality.
Shamans are in contact with plants, stones, the elements, with the sun, moon, stars, ancestors, power animals.
Likewise, shamans have an intensive contact with Mother Earth.
As different as the people, the peoples are, just as different are the working methods and techniques of the respective shamans.
The methods I work with come mainly from shamans of the Q'eros from Peru, who have passed on their knowledge and wisdom from generation to generation and later also to people from our cultural circle.
For the shamans, everything that exists is interconnected.
Shamans are mediators between our material, everyday world and the invisible, non-visible reality.
In the energy field of all of us, all experiences, life experiences, family stories of often long past generations, life contracts, etc. are stored.
When we come into the world, we can compare ourselves to a clear crystal.
This crystal gets many traces through our life experiences. Some can be easily removed, others have solidified, and one layer over another is still deposited on top, so that our clear, sparkling crystal has become cloudy or sometimes no longer visible at all.
Shamans support us in becoming again the shining crystal we once were.
What can you expect in a shamanic session?
All our life experiences are energetically bound to us, partly on a physical level, partly on a soul or mental level.
Often we don't even notice until some situation pushes a "red button" and makes us suddenly react in a certain pattern, whether we want to or not.
This "red button" or trigger was set at some point in our lives, like a computer programme. When we get into a certain situation in our life, this programme starts running.
These programmes cost us a lot of life energy, joy of life, cloud our relationships with other people, make our lives difficult, do not allow us to realise our full potential.
In a shamanic session I try to slowly find the centre of your "trigger imprints", first in a conversation with you.
Then I work in your energy field with different shamanic techniques that vary depending on the situation and the person (clearing the energy field, removing burdening energies, soul retrieval, stress de-coupling,...).
The duration of a shamanic session is on average about 1 1/2 to 2 hours and consists of an introductory talk, energy field work and the creation of a new "map".
You will also receive small tasks after each session, as well as handouts, to really integrate your new "map" into your everyday life and not fall back into old patterns.
For this reason we will stay in contact after each session, either by email or by phone, so that you also have support for your new path at home and it is easier for you not to find little excuses :-)
In a shamanic session you are actively involved the whole time.
It is very important that you are willing to contribute and work with us.
When is a shamanic session interesting for you?
This is the most intensive of all sessions.
Here your active cooperation is absolutely necessary and also the willingness to continue working on it at home,
to continue working on it at home, as you are really creating a new life map.
- Are you ready to embark on an intensive journey to yourself?
- Do you have life themes that keep repeating themselves (e.g. always attracting the same kind of partner) and would you like to
of attracting a partner) and would you like to change this?
- do you want to break out of old entrenched ways?
- do you want to live your true potential, to express yourself, but you can't do it without support?
but you can't do it without support?
- you would like to change your life, let go of the wounds of the past and break through old patterns?
- you are ready to embark on an intensive journey to yourself
- you have life issues that keep repeating themselves
- You want to live your true potential, but you cannot do it alone.
How often should a shamanic session take place?
Ideally, there should be an interval of 1 month between sessions.
The frequency of the sessions varies from person to person. Sometimes 1-3 sessions are enough.
If there are many or difficult issues, a little more time is to be expected.